If you have not received your password, check your spam folder. You must add "GreatAuPair.com" to your "Safe list" or "Allow list" in your email program, otherwise, your password and all other GreatAuPair emails may end up in your spam folder.
If you have registered with GreatAupair and received your password via email, then there are only a few things that could be wrong.
Your password from GreatAuPair is a combination of letters and a number, unless you have changed it. Click here If you have forgotten your password and you want it sent to you.
When you receive your password again via email, try copying your email and password directly from the email, making sure not to copy any spaces on either side of your email or password, then paste them into the correct spaces in the sign in box on GreatAuPair and push the button, "Sign in" and you should be able to access your account. If that doesn't work, go to Step 2 below.
What are cookies? And how do I enable them?
Not having your cookie properly enabled for GreatAuPair is the most common reason for not being able to sign in, or signing in as a Paid Member and not being able to access contact information.
McAfee Zone Alarm Pro Users Take Note
You must manually allow cookies from www.GreatAuPair.com in Zone Alarm as Zone Alarm Pro over-rides your browser's settings.
Here's how to allow cookies for GreatAuPair in Zone Alarm Pro:
If you are unable to access from work, this may be because your business has a secure internal network called a "firewall". A firewall keeps your company's network secure but it can also prevent you from accessing your GreatAuPair account from your office.
If you find you cannot establish a connection to your account, your company network probably does not allow for secure web sessions. Contact your company's network administrator for more information about getting set up for secure site access.
If you are still unable to sign in to your account, Contact GreatAuPair support by clicking the Feedback link in the lower right corner of the site page. We are happy to help.