GreatAupair helps people just like you find trustworthy, affordable care. We give you the most advanced search tools and security systems available to make it safe and easy to find Nannies with the specific traits and experience you want. Whether you’re seeking a part-time, live-out Nanny or perhaps you want a full-time, live-in Nanny... Either way, if you need high-quality, affordable Nannies, we’ve got you covered.
Sign up free. Search free. Connect free. GreatAupair offers the easiest, most direct way to find great Nannies and Nanny jobs locally and worldwide. Safe. Secure. Privacy Assured. Start Now!
Second time using GreatAuPair. I believe it is a great platform.
We’ve been called a lot of things. Probably because we’ve helped over 1,000,000 people find what they were looking for. Whether it’s a Nanny who speaks Portuguese, knows algebra and lives near you or perhaps you’d like a foreign Nanny who speaks Spanish, German or French who also has equestrian experience. Either way, we offer you the largest selection of pre-screened Nanny profiles worldwide. We’re so confident that you’ll find your ideal candidate with us that we offer you a 6-month success guarantee. We’re delighted that you’ve found us and we’re truly excited about helping you find exactly what you want. Post your Nanny jobs for free. Find caregiver jobs for free. Let us know if you think we can do something better. We listen. We care. We deliver.