Au Pair, Nanny and Host-Family Complaints

Complaint Against Melina, French Family

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Complaint   >> Posted: Mar 15 ''23 by Christine Elsa in Ajman, United Arab Emirates

Hi this is christine lao i am here to complain about this sponsor that melinas reccommended this VIP family french here in dubai uae i went there in albarari dubai swventh heaven just only for trial 1 week and just only i try good for 2 days only coz i noticed that shes not really good employer both after that i inform melina the one whos recommend me to this family that i will stop my work here for trial i start is on 11 of march @night i stop on 13 of march @night then i inform already melina i will not work anymore then melinas ask a favor on me just to drop the son of her freind son the one that she recommend then i accept what she ask favor for me and she appreciate for this after 730am suddenly come the employer her name is nabilla vergara that the mother of 3yr old then she went there in maids room she took my mobile with matching beating me more and more and more she pull my hair skapping me kicking me many more time she throwing on my face a big glass of water and again and again beating me and also she used my mobile an personal whats app to mesg melina that she accused me im stealing something but she did already beating on me now whokebody is pain i wwnt to the hospital because of wht she did to me my shoukder injury now wholebody pain my hands cannot move i cannot work for now becquse she abusing me and verbal abused too.pls dont let her to find a new nanny here anymore after there is another victim again and again and also they are not give my salary and also my carlift refund in many times i ask to give me but ignoring me as well