Au Pair, Nanny and Host-Family Complaints

Complaint Against Ana Theresa, Filipino Nanny

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Complaint   >> Posted: Oct 20 ''23 by Nadia in Victoria, Trinidad & Tobago

I regret to inform potential employers about my disappointing experience with Mrs. Ana Theresea Bongco. After a year and a half of constantly trying to get her to my country, she was only employed for approximately 2 months. Hiring her proved to be an unfortunate mistake, and I strongly caution against considering her for any housekeeping, nanny or senior care responsibilities.Mrs. Bongco lacked professionalism and commitment. Communication was another significant issue. She often failed to comprehend instructions and failed to ask clarifying questions when unsure, resulting in repetitive mistakes. Moreover, she was dismissive of feedback, displaying a lack of willingness to learn and improve her performance.After a month of being employed, Mrs. Bongco lost all sight of her tasks and was focus on her personal financial gains. She began a campaign of extortion. Similarly, she constantly made false claims and even went as far as making and posting a video inciting, she was being victimize, unbeknown to me her employer in my house. This video has since been taken down but the damage to character lingers. Additionally, there were instances of unprofessional behavior, such as taking personal calls during work hours and leaving without notice. This lack of commitment and respect for the job undermined the trust I initially had in her.The excuses were becoming frequent and her behaviour intolerable. Her work was below par and the final straw was my child being left unattended. I called upon our local Immigration and other parties to intervene, after an extension investigation, the contract was terminated and she was sent on the next flight to the Philippines. In conclusion, my experience with Mrs. Bognco was disappointing and frustrating. I strongly advise against hiring her. Her lack of punctuality, attention to detail, communication skills, and overall unprofessionalism make her unfit for providing the quality of service one expects in a household.