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Babysitter in Hrodna, Belarus, Seeks Babysitter Job.Viktoryia's Babysitter Profile 3070109

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  • 40-year old female
  • Russian
  • Living in Belarus
  • Has a passport for Belarus
  • Has no visa


  • <1 Years of paid experience
  • 17-19 years of education
  • First-aid trained
  • Swimmer
  • Valid driver's license
  • Will use own car for work
  • References available

Contact Viktoryia M.

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I am a lawful permanent resident of the USA for 11 years. I pay taxes and so on, I didn't work anywhere else for 11 years. But I have some problems as I don't be physically present in the US for a long time because I can not afford to live there. My business brings me enough to live in Belarus but, unfortunately, the cost of living in the USA is much more. If I will finally lose my status, I will have to start from scratch all my life, try to find a job in a country where I just live and have no history, credit score, etc, where I just buy goods to eat and nothing else. I will have to change all my life. I am writing all this because I have to reject every day good families from other countries and I feel sad about it. It was a shorter explanation but they still send me requests from the UK and so on, because they think that as the UK is closer to my current physical location, it is better. But the thing is, in the UK or anywhere else I would not look for this kind of job as this is not my primary occupation. Looking for an au-pair job is my last chance and rescue plan. Hope it helps. My primary occupation is diplomacy/ International Economics, I finished State Belarussian University and my education was free which means I won the competition by passing exams better than others for the most competitive field, which was International Economics that year. After that, I've got paid degree but in Belarussian State University of culture in choreography. We can not get both free, by law. But 2nd is less expensive as shorter. It appeared that all my life I worked as self-employed started my own business in IT with 2 other guys, 1 designer and 1 programmer in 2008. We didn't have the budget, so just tried to make money ourselves from clients and then rent an office slowly, hired other people. Finally, I was left alone and my team changed totally with time, as well as the focus of development. Main years I settled and found myself in Lisp development and AI research with an ex-Russian science academy neurobiologist. Technically it was a smart solution as we won a world competition in artificial intelligence 2 times (and 2 participated, 2 of 2). But commercially it is still about the same: I can not afford to live in the US. I still hope that one day we will be successful as we deserve. And I see my mission to be and live in the country where AI development is being financed and advanced technologies hopefully are welcome. But currently, my goal is to find any job so I can save my status and afford to live in the US with my 12-year old daughter. Live-in jobs save my rent money which is 1/4 of my expenses normally. I don't rely on food provided as most people eat differently than me, only if I meet people who eat as healthy as we do. I still need some time to make another half of the expenses and need some time for this. I am planning to take a moving loan to afford relocation so I probably will spend all my earned money to pay the loan back. In exchange, I can offer knowledgeable help in the fields of healthy living, medicine, finance, time-management, computer, taxes, finding information, organization, secretary, sports training, pet sitting and caregiving, any management and analysis, I am skilled in almost everything except how to make enough money in the USA and, sadly, housekeeping (I always hired a person for my house in Belarus). But I can try to do that as well, just to know my level. I drive a car for 18 years with no accident. My strongest treats I think that I am extremely honest, reliable (can fulfil everything without supervision and exactly the way it was required). I found it hard to find a person like me when I cast over 100 people for babysitting positions for my child when she was young, as well as housekeepers. They always do something else a little bit, smth their way in spite of I write detailed instructions, and sometimes are not honest 100% as I require and can offer. But I can not read thoughts, and think, that nothing is "obvious" so I expect my duties will be specified and negotiated. (Also had experience in the USA with "obviously expected duties"). Also, I can guarantee a well-balanced and calm attitude and get better along with people who can offer the same. I hope, I will find my family soon!

Babysitter Experience

I have <1 years paid experience with the following
Infant care Toddler care Ages 4-11 care
Pre-teen care Teen care Twins care
Special needs care
Additional tasks I'm willing to perform
Grocery Shopping Carpooling Ironing and/or Laundry
Tidy Up Kitchen Light Housekeeping Pet Care
Run Errands Cooking

I am comfortable working with 9 children


Available Jun 2024 - Jul 2024
Seeking Full- or Part-time, Live In/Out
I am available on short notice
Last logged in 17 Dec 2023
Member since 18 Mar 2021
Good health
No Religion
No tattoos
No piercings

Match Preferences

Will not work for smokers
Comfortable with pets
Single parents OK
Willing to travel worldwide for work
No parent age preference
Preferred Countries:
  • - United States
Preferred Cities:
  • - La Jolla
  • - Fort Lauderdale
  • - Henderson
Preferred Nationalities:
  • None

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