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Au Pair Job Available with American Family in Smyrna, TNLeonardo's Au Pair Job 2685487

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Nanny/Housekeeper /Home assistant to a single father.

    Our Family

  • American
  • 50-something
  • 4 Children
  • Ages 1,4,4,5
  • No pets
  • Catholic
  • Will not accept smokers
  • Is a single male employer

    Job Highlights

  • 4yrs experience required
  • 15 to 25 hours/week
  • Driver's license required
  • Car is available
  • Infant care required
  • References available
  • Pay is $301-$400/wk

Contact Leonardo L.

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Family's Introduction to Au Pair

Dear Candidate,

I am a single father of four kids: a 1 year old girl, a 4 year old twin girl, a 4 year old twin boy and a 5 year old girl. I am a doctor executive who travels between Gainesville, Florida and Nashville, Tennessee to be with my children. I have a 3-bedroom house in Gainesville for when I go see the children and a 2-bedroom/2-bathroom apartment in Gainesville. I will be present with the children the entire time I have them but need help to care for them because it takes two people to properly watch the four kids. When the Nanny is not watching the children, I will need her to make sure the house or the apartment is in order and that it is clean for visitors. I speak a little French and I would like to be able to improve my conversational French with this Nanny. Housekeeper, personal assistant. If you were to be the Nanny/Housekeeper/Personal assistant, you would need to have a driver's license but you do not have to own a car as I will have a car at your disposition.
I want my children to be exposed to various cultures and languages. My children speak English and Spanish and I only speak to them in Spanish. I am a native speaker who was born and raised in Venezuela and have been living and working as a doctor in the USA for 26 years. I am a francophile and want my children to learn and appreciate the beautiful culture of France.
This position is for an enthusiastic and energetic person who is educated and has refined manners who can teach the children the basics of French social etiquette.
The children. have the following routine with me: they usually wake up around 7:00 am and come directly to my bedroom until about 8:00am. I usually make them breakfast while the nanny gets them dressed, and ready for the day. After Breakfast, the Nanny brushes their teeth and then, I take them with the Nanny to a park or a museum or someplace fun until lunch time. At around 12:30 we all have lunch, at a restaurant or at home, and then, the three younger kids take a nap for about 2 hours.
The children usually wake up from their nap at around 4:30pm and I give them a small snack (I do not give them junk food, I prepare them a small sandwich or a pain au chocolat or something like that).
I usually prepare the dinner for the kids and we sit down to eat as a family. I like to have a lot of conversation with the children when we have dinner. I teach them how to et with forks and knives and I try to teach them good table manners. I want them to have fun when they eat and for them to enjoy the meal time as well as the food. I usually prepare them something they like for dinner and something new to them so they can get accustomed to different foods of different cultures.
After dinner, the children will play a little and then watch Television for about 45 minutes and then they get ready for bed (get their pajamas on, brush their teeth, I tell them stories and then they go to sleep).
They are extremely well behaved and listen to their Nanny very well.

Job Description

I am a divorced father who has shared custody of my four children every other weekend for three days. This position is for a live-in Nanny/House keeper/personal assistant. The children will spend a full weekend (Friday Afternoon, Saturday and Sunday until 6:00pm with me. Since the position is a Live-in position, the nanny/housekeeper/personal assistant will have the option to stay in Nashville, TN or to travel to Gainesville where I have my other home when she is not with the kids.
The routine for the you would be:
On the weekends when I take care of the children (every other weekend) I will arrive in Nashville with the Nanny around Noon on Friday, the children will be picked up from school and we go to our house. They get ready for dinner and I will make dinner or we will go to a restaurant. I do not take the kids to McDonalds or any fast food restaurants because I do not like those types of restaurants. We will sit down to eat and have as much conversation as we can. The we go back to the house and play, watch television for about 45minutes to an hour, and then get ready for bed. Getting ready for bed means I the Nanny and I will get their pajamas on, brush their teeth, I tell the kids stories and spend time with them while the Nanny cleans up for dinner or gets the house ready for the next morning.
On Saturdays, the children wake up and come to my bedroom, we talk about their dreams and how they slept, I make them breakfast. While I get the breakfast made, you would get them dressed and help get them seated for breakfast and make sure they are eating. When they are finished, you would help get them cleaned up, brush their teeth, and get them ready to go to a park, or play or we all go out to do something fun.
I will, in general, be with you and the children at all times when the kids are awake, because I want to spend as much time with them as possible. They are my priority when they are awake and I want to teach them as much as possible when they are with me. I need a Nanny/Housekeeper/Personal assistant who can help me spend as much quality time with the children as possible.
After the morning activities, you and I will feed the children lunch at the house or we will have a picnic or go to a restaurant for lunch. The important part of lunch is that the children sit down to eat and we can have a conversation because here in the USA, people do not usually have good eating manners. I want help teaching my children how to eat properly at the same time that I want them to enjoy their meals.
After lunch, the three younger children go to sleep for a 2 hour nap. My oldest daughter doesn't always take a nap so you or I would have to be with her, coloring or painting or doing some school activities. Perhaps this would be an appropriate time to introduce her to the French language in an informal manner.
Once the kids wake up from their nap, you would need to give them a small snack of fruit or small sandwich and then they play for a while or do coloring or puzzles. While you have them doing activities, I would make dinner and the children will eat around 6:30 pm. We sit down at the table and eat dinner and talk. After dinner the children will watch television while you and I clean up the kitchen. Then the children get ready for bed.
A little about myself: I was born and raised in Venezuela to an American mother and a Venezuelan Doctor. I went to school and Medical School in Venezuela and I came to the USA after. I am a Physician Executive (Administrative Doctor) in Gainesville, Florida. I speak to the children in Spanish and they understand Spanish fluently. I travel to France two or three times a year because I love France. Since I cannot take the children to France, I am seeking a French Nanny/Housekeeper/personal assistant to introduce the children to the French culture and language and I would like to advance my conversational abilities in French.
I am looking for someone with a few years of experience with children as well as knowledge of how to run a household. The job is not hard and you would have two days off every week. The job requires you to live either in Nashville or in Gainesville or both, as you see necessary. All travel between cities, food and living arrangements will be covered by me. It is a great opportunity for someone who wants to experience life in the USA and have sufficient free time to pursue other activities since the house are usually flexible.


Available Jun 2024 - Jul 2024
From 18 - 36 months
Seeking Full- or Part-time, Live In
Last logged in 27 Sep 2023
Member since 26 Aug 2018

Seeking Services

Additional services we're seeking:
Infant care Special needs care Elderly care
Housekeeping Pet care Tutoring
Shopping & Errands Office Assistance

Match Preferences

We require:
4yrs experience required
Candidates that live within worldwide
Valid drivers license
Infant care
Light housekeeping
Infant care qualified
We prefer:
Female candidates
34-50+ year olds
12 or more years of education
Couples accepted
We speak:

Childcare Services

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Our small family consists of my husband and I and our 3 month old daughter and our t...

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