Au Pair, Nanny and Host-Family Complaints

Complaint Against Anna, Polish Nanny

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Complaint   >> Posted: Jan 24 ''23 by George in Skane, Sweden

I would like to issue a warning about this person. We had an agreement that she should come, and I bought her an airline ticket. We agreed three weeks before the arrival date and I cancelled all communication with other applicants. About a week before her arrival, I noticed a change in her attitude. The night before the day of travel, she sends me a message saying that she wont come. The explanation is incomprehensible and incoherent. I conclude that she has agreed on something that she is ultimately not able to deliver upon for unknown reasons. From her communication with me I realize that she must be suffering from grave anxiety. Her action put me in an extremely difficult situation since I was counting on her coming to assist. Thus, I would strongly advice potential host families not to engage in agreements with this woman. She is simply not trustworthy and obviously not in the condition to assume any duties in families outside her own country.