Au Pair, Nanny and Host-Family Complaints

Complaint Against lee chu, Malaysian Au Pair

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Au Pair Complaints Nanny Complaints Host-Family Complaints

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Complaint   >> Posted: Nov 09 ''22 by Bachnorton in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to share my experience of hiring a home nanny recently. I hope everyone can be careful.1. This nanny claims to have worked with many foreign families, yes. But I hope you can get a referral letter from the nanny you want to hire, remember to get a recent one. Because many times what they may have given might not reflect the current behavior. Humans behavior changes with time.2. The nanny looks very kind, but she is very lazy. Her main duty was to take care of my children, but she was always on the phone. Even if I worked from home, she didnt help with babysitting, she hid in the kitchen and played with her phone.3. Negligence. The worst thing was that once my neighbor invited me to take my child to an indoor playground of a shopping mall. As I couldnt go, so I asked her to bring my kid. Then at night my neighbor called me to tell me what she had observed. In the shopping mall, the nanny just kept playing on the phone. During lunch, while waiting for the food to arrive, she was still very attached to her phone without keeping her eyes on my kid. There was one point my child walked out from the restaurant and she was wandering around. Fortunately, my neighbor who was buying the food saw that. She quickly hold my childs hand and keep her from walking around.4. She often took lightly of her job. Come on, she just needed to take care of the kid without doing any house chores. When we asked her to take care of the kid or go to the common area of the apartment, she would keep saying that the kids didnt want to go. 5. She thought that shes the owner of the house. The purpose of CCTV is to check if theres any intruder and it supposed to face to the entrance. But for some unknown reasons, she always like to adjust it to the direction of the piano at home every day.6. The most frightening thing is that she is very good at telling lies. She told me that she had just returned from working in Australia in August this year, where she had been working there for a total of 6 months from February. But by coincidence, I knew her former employer. Her former employer told me that the nanny had been with her for 2 years, and she had stopped working with them until May. Reason given was because she wanted to travel to Germany. And she also told the clerk of my apartment that we liked her very much, and because of that we have purposely brought her back from Australia and even purchase a flight ticket for her in order to take care of our kid. In addition, she told her former employer that her last French employer had immigrated abroad, so she stopped working with her previous French employer. Little did she know, we knew her previous French employer too the expat community is small in KL! And we knew that her french employer has never moved out from KL! So I contacted her French employer. What I found out was she told her former French employer that she had a finger problem that required surgery and after that she needed to visit her daughter in Germany. Seems like every time she wanted to change a new job, instead of being honest, she chose to lie. Also, she tried to tell around that she had been taken care of expat family. She wants to be perceived she has more values than other nannies.7. One other thing to note for all - if your babysitter has COVID, remember to ask her to write her name and date on the COVID check stick before taking a picture to you. Otherwise, how can we determine where the photo came from. Remember to also ask her to register with MYSejahtera and ensuring she got a home surveillance order with right category of COVID. My nanny just got paid of her Oct salary on the 31st. Few hours later she has conveniently announced to me that she had COVID. So she have to be quarantined for seven days, and she took her own decision that she wanted to be quarantined for 8 days before reporting to work. It always all about her. 8. Yesterday, there was an issue with LRT. Because of that, she informed me very last min and informed that she couldnt come to work. For all the above reasons, we had to ask her to leave. So, I think this nanny will continue to look for another mother. So I hope my experience can help the rest of the mums. If youre afraid you might hire this nanny, please PM me and I can share her name and details.